from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy import stats, signal from generate_timeseries import * from smooth_spline import get_natural_cubic_spline_model import statsmodels.formula.api as smf def noise_color(data_input): # TODO previously noise_slope """ Returns panda dataframe with the slope of the noise of the species of which the timeseries is given in input file f""" if isinstance(data_input, str): if data_input.endswith('.csv'): data = pd.read_csv(data_input, index_col=0) elif data_input.endswith('.txt'): data = np.loadtxt(data_input) cols = ['species_%d' % i for i in range(1, len(data_input) + 1)] data = pd.DataFrame(data.T, columns=cols) elif isinstance(data_input, np.ndarray): cols = ['species_%d' % i for i in range(1, len(data_input) + 1)] data = pd.DataFrame(data_input.T, columns=cols) elif isinstance(data_input, pd.DataFrame): data = data_input.drop('time', axis='columns') elif not isinstance(data_input, pd.DataFrame): print("Please use dataframe or filename.") return results = pd.DataFrame(index=data.columns) results['slope_linear'] = np.nan results['std_slope_linear'] = np.nan results['pvalue'] = np.nan results['slope_spline'] = np.nan for c in [x for x in data.columns if x.startswith('species_')]: if sum(data[c] == 0) > 0.9 * len(data[c]): continue; # Fourier transform frq, f = signal.periodogram(data[c]) frq = np.log10(frq[1:]) # cut zero -> log(0) = -INF f = np.log10(np.abs(f.astype(complex))[1:]) frq = frq[~np.isnan(f)] f = f[~np.isnan(f)] frq = frq[np.isfinite(f)] f = f[np.isfinite(f)] if len(frq) > 5: p_spline = get_natural_cubic_spline_model(frq, f, minval=min(frq), maxval=max(frq), n_knots=4) y = p_spline.predict(frq) deriv = (y[1:] - y[:-1]) / (frq[1:] - frq[:-1]) results.loc[c]['slope_spline'] = min(deriv) # only consider frequencies which correspond to periods that are smaller than (length_timeseries/10) # otherwise effects from windowing f = f[frq >= min(frq) + 1] frq = frq[frq >= min(frq) + 1] # linear fit p_lin, cov = np.polyfit(frq, f, deg=1, cov=True) results.loc[c]['slope_linear'] = p_lin[0] results.loc[c]['std_slope_linear'] = cov[0, 0] # confidence in model df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['frq', 'f']) df['frq'] = frq df['f'] = f lm1 = smf.ols(formula='frq ~ f', data=df).fit() results.loc[c]['pvalue'] = lm1.pvalues['f'] return results def compare_noise_profiles(f): figl = plt.figure("linear interpolation", figsize=(8, 8)) figs = plt.figure("spline interpolation", figsize=(8, 8)) falpha = '{:.3f}' fconnec = '{:.2f}' gs = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 5, hspace=0.02, wspace=0.02) for i, (c, ii) in enumerate(zip([0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.25, 0.1], [1, 7, 5, 2, 0])): for j, (alpha, jj) in enumerate(zip([0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2], [0, 2, 5, 7, 1])): # every connectivity-interaction_strength combination has a new graph # one linear (l) and one spline (s) axl = figl.add_subplot(gs[5 * i + j]) axs = figs.add_subplot(gs[5 * i + j]) # Fix axis such that differnt subgraphs can be compared axl.set_xlim([-5, 0]) axl.set_ylim([0, 30]) axs.set_xlim([-5, 0]) axs.set_ylim([0, 30]) # Set labels, remove ticks between figures (limits are all equal, see code right above) if i < 4: plt.setp(axl.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axs.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) else: axl.set_xlabel(r'$\alpha$ = ' + falpha.format(alpha)) axs.set_xlabel(r'$\alpha$ = ' + falpha.format(alpha)) if j > 0: plt.setp(axl.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axs.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) else: axl.set_ylabel(r'C = ' + fconnec.format(c)) axs.set_ylabel(r'C = ' + fconnec.format(c)) # plot histograms of different examples on top of each other for l in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']: fts = f + '%d%d%s.csv' % (ii, jj, l) # get noise profile noise = noise_color(fts) noise.dropna(axis='rows', inplace=True) noise = noise[noise.pvalue <= 0.05] # plot noise profiles in histograms axl.hist(noise['slope_linear'], alpha=0.2, bins=np.linspace(-5, 0, 50)) axs.hist(noise['slope_spline'], alpha=0.2, bins=np.linspace(-5, 0, 50)) if False: print("total amount of solutions: %d, number original species: %d" % ( len(noise), len(data.columns) - 1)) print("linear, black: %.1f%%, brown: %.1f%%, pink: %.1f%%, white:%.1f%%" % ( sum(noise['slope_linear'] < -2.25) / len(noise['slope_linear']) * 100, sum(np.logical_and(-2.25 < noise['slope_linear'], noise['slope_linear'] < -1.75)) / len(noise) * 100, sum(np.logical_and(-1.75 < noise['slope_linear'], noise['slope_linear'] < -0.5)) / len(noise) * 100, sum(-0.5 < noise['slope_linear']) / len(noise) * 100)) print("spline, black: %.1f%%, brown: %.1f%%, pink: %.1f%%, white:%.1f%%" % ( sum(noise['slope_spline'] < -2.25) / len(noise) * 100, sum(np.logical_and(-2.25 < noise['slope_spline'], noise['slope_spline'] < -1.75)) / len(noise) * 100, sum(np.logical_and(-1.75 < noise['slope_spline'], noise['slope_spline'] < -0.5)) / len(noise) * 100, sum(-0.5 < noise['slope_spline']) / len(noise) * 100)) # plot vertical lines at limitations of black, brown, pink and white as in Faust 2018 Microbiome for bin_edge in [-2.25, -1.75, -0.5]: axl.axvline(x=bin_edge, linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5) axs.axvline(x=bin_edge, linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5) # save figures #plt.figure("linear interpolation") #plt.savefig(f + "linear.png") #plt.figure("spline interpolation") #plt.savefig(f + "spline.png") return def compare_noise_implementations(): f_linear = 'results/data_linear_77a.csv' f_sqrt = 'results/data_sqrt_77a.csv' f_constant = 'results/data_constant_77a.csv' f_small = 'results/data_sqrt_small_77a.csv' f_large = 'results/data_sqrt_large_77a.csv' f_largets = 'results/data_sqrt_largetimestep_77a.csv' f_perturb = 'results/data_sqrt_perturbation_77a.csv' fs = [f_linear, f_sqrt, f_constant, f_small, f_large, f_largets, f_perturb] titles = ['linear', 'sqrt', 'constant', 'small', 'large', 'largetimestep', 'perturbation'] tss = [pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0) for f in fs] noise = [noise_color(ts) for ts in tss] N = 3 # number of species to plot #spec_to_plot = ts_linear.columns[ts_linear.max() > 0][:N] spec_to_plot = ['species_1', 'species_2'] figts = plt.figure("timeseries") gsts = gridspec.GridSpec(3,len(tss), height_ratios=[1.5,1,1]) fign = plt.figure("noise") gsn = gridspec.GridSpec(1,len(tss)) for i in range(len(tss)): # plot complete timeseries if i == 0: ax = figts.add_subplot(gsts[i]) else: ax = figts.add_subplot(gsts[i], sharey=ax) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax.set_title(titles[i]) ax.plot(tss[i][spec_to_plot]) # plot zoom of timeseries if i == 0: ax_zoom1 = figts.add_subplot(gsts[len(tss) + i]) else: ax_zoom1 = figts.add_subplot(gsts[len(tss) + i], sharey=ax_zoom1) plt.setp(ax_zoom1.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax_zoom1.plot(tss[i][spec_to_plot[0]].iloc[:500]) if i == 0: ax_zoom2 = figts.add_subplot(gsts[2*len(tss) + i]) else: ax_zoom2 = figts.add_subplot(gsts[2*len(tss) + i], sharey=ax_zoom2) plt.setp(ax_zoom2.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax_zoom2.plot(tss[i][spec_to_plot[1]].iloc[:500], color='orange') if i > 0: ax_zoom2.set_ylabel('') # plot noise fit if i == 0: axn = fign.add_subplot(gsn[i]) else: axn = fign.add_subplot(gsn[i], sharey=axn) plt.setp(axn.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) example_noise_fit(axn, tss[i][spec_to_plot[1]].iloc[:500]) fig = plt.figure("compare slopes") gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2,round((len(tss)-1)/2 + 0.1)) # + 0.1 to account for bankers rounding print(len(tss), (len(tss)-1)/2, round((len(tss)-1)/2)) for i in range(len(tss)-1): if i == 0: ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) ax.set_ylabel(titles[0]) else: print(i) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i], sharey=ax, sharex=ax) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax.scatter(noise[i+1]['slope_linear'], noise[0]['slope_linear']) ax.set_xlabel(titles[i+1]) ax.plot([-5,0], [-5,0]) #diagonal def reproduce_timeseries_Faust(): fts = 'reproduce_translate_Faust/Faust_repro3b.csv' #fomega = np.loadtxt('../enterotypes_ibm/Rickermatrices-Faust/9_interactionmatrix.txt') fomega = np.loadtxt('reproduce_translate_Faust/omega3.txt') #forig = '../enterotypes_ibm/timeseries-Faust/1_timeseries/1_timeseries.txt' #m = np.mean(np.loadtxt(forig), axis=1, keepdims=True) #fg = m = np.loadtxt('reproduce_translate_Faust/K3.txt') fg = fmu = None SIS = False generate_timeseries_noise([0, 0, 0], fts, fomega, fg, fmu, SIS, noise = 0.05, noise_implementation=NOISE.LANGEVIN_LINEAR) def check_code_on_Faust_timeseries(f_ricker, ffig): save = True fit = 'slope_linear' noise = noise_color(f_ricker) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6), tight_layout=True) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,3) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax.set_title('noise profile') ax.hist(noise[fit][np.isfinite(noise[fit])], alpha=0.2, bins=np.linspace(-5, 0, 50)) # plot vertical lines at limitations of black, brown, pink and white as in Faust 2018 Microbiome for bin_edge in [-2.25, -1.75, -0.5]: ax.axvline(x=bin_edge, linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5) # plot one timetrace for every noise color if f_ricker.endswith('.txt'): data = np.loadtxt(f_ricker) elif f_ricker.endswith('.csv'): data = pd.read_csv(f_ricker, index_col=0).values.T noise_edges = [-np.inf, -2.25, -1.75, -0.5, np.inf] noise_color = ['black', 'brown', 'pink', 'white'] gss = [gs[3], gs[4], gs[6], gs[7]] for i in range(len(noise_color)): ax = fig.add_subplot(gss[i]) ax.set_title(noise_color[i]) # all timetraces of specific noise_color tt = np.logical_and(noise_edges[i] < noise[fit].values, noise[fit].values < noise_edges[i+1]) if sum(tt) > 0: idx = next(ii for ii, v in enumerate(tt) if v) ax.plot(data[idx][:1000]) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax.set_title('relative noise fluctuations') y = ((data[:,1:] - data[:,:-1])/data[:,1:]).flatten() y = y[np.isfinite(y)] ax.hist(y, density=True, bins=np.linspace(-0.5,0.5, 50)) x = np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,500) mu, std = ax.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mu, std), label='$\mu =$ %.2f, \n $\sigma = $ %.3f' % (mu, std)) ax.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, 0, 0.05)) ax.legend() # plot total number of individuals in population, see if constant ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) ax.set_title('total number population') y = np.sum(data, axis=0) ax.plot(y) ax.set_ylim([0,1.1*max(y)]) # plot mean abundances of species ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, -1]) y = np.mean(data, axis=1) ax.scatter(y, noise[fit], cmap=noise_cmap, vmin=noise_lim[0], vmax=noise_lim[1], c=noise[fit], label=None) p_lin = np.polyfit(y, noise[fit], deg=1) x = np.linspace(min(y), max(y)) ax.plot(x, p_lin[0]*x + p_lin[1], label='y = %.2fx + %.2f' % (p_lin[0], p_lin[1])) ax.set_xlabel('mean abundance') ax.set_ylabel('noise color') ax.legend() if save: plt.savefig(ffig) def compare_noise_abundance_dependencies(fts = [], ffig = 0, labels = []): save = True fit = 'slope_linear' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4), tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) axb = fig.add_subplot(122, sharey=ax) bounds = [0, 0.5, 1, 1.5] # ,2] fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8),tight_layout=True) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(fts),len(bounds)-1) fig3 = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8),tight_layout=True) x = np.linspace(2, -3, 500).reshape([500,1]) ax.imshow(x, cmap=noise_cmap_ww, vmin = noise_lim[0], vmax= noise_lim[1], extent=(0, 2, -3, 2), aspect='auto', alpha=0.75) ax.set_xlim([0, 2]) axb.imshow(x, cmap=noise_cmap_ww, vmin = noise_lim[0], vmax= noise_lim[1], extent=(0, 1, -3, 2), aspect='auto', alpha=0.75) #axb.set_ylim([-3,2]) maxx = 0 for i, f in enumerate(fts): noise = noise_color(f) if f.endswith('.txt'): data = np.loadtxt(f) elif f.endswith('.csv'): data = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0).values.T y = np.mean(data, axis=1) #y /= np.sum(y) if len(labels) == 0: label = None else: label = labels[i] n = noise[fit] ebn = noise['std_slope_linear'] data = data[np.isfinite(n)] ebn = ebn[np.isfinite(n)] y = y[np.isfinite(n)] n = n[np.isfinite(n)] s = ax.scatter(y, n, s=5, label=label) ax.errorbar(y, n, ebn, linestyle='None', label=None) axb.scatter(y/sum(y), n, s=5, label=label) axb.errorbar(y/sum(y), n, ebn, linestyle='None', label=None) #p_lin = np.polyfit(y, n, deg=2) # without errorbars # with errorbars def mypoly(x, a, b, c): return np.polyval([a,b,c], x) p_lin, _ = curve_fit(mypoly, y, n, p0=[1,1,1], sigma=ebn) print("p_lin", p_lin) x = np.linspace(min(y), max(y)) l = ax.plot(x, p_lin[0]*x**2 + p_lin[1]*x + p_lin[2], color=s.get_facecolors()[0]) #, label='y = %.2fx + %.2f' % (p_lin[0], p_lin[1])) #p_lin = np.polyfit(y/sum(y), n, deg=2) p_lin, _ = curve_fit(mypoly, y/sum(y), n, p0=[1, 1, 1], sigma=ebn) print("p_lin2", p_lin) x = np.linspace(0, 1.1*max(y/sum(y))) maxx = max(maxx, 1.1*max(y/sum(y))) l = axb.plot(x, p_lin[0] * x ** 2 + p_lin[1] * x + p_lin[2], color=s.get_facecolors()[0]) # , label='y = %.2fx + %.2f' % (p_lin[0], p_lin[1])) for j in range(len(bounds) - 1): lb = bounds[j] rb = bounds[j + 1] idces = np.where((lb < y) & (y < rb))[0] #next((i for i,x in enumerate(y) if lb < x < rb), None) if i == 0: ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(gs[i, j]) ax2.set_title('%.1f < x < %.1f' % (lb, rb)) ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(gs[i, j]) ax3.set_title('%.1f < x < %.1f' % (lb, rb)) if len(idces) == 0: ax2.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax3.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax3.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax2.set_frame_on(False) ax3.set_frame_on(False) if len(idces) > 0: y2 = (data[idces,1:] - data[idces,:-1])/data[idces,:-1] y2 = y2[np.isfinite(y2)] ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(gs[i, j]) ax2.grid() ax2.hist(y2, bins = np.linspace(-1.1,1.5,100), color=l[0].get_color()) at = AnchoredText("%.2f %% < 0" % (sum(y2 < 0)/len(y2)*100), loc=2) ax2.add_artist(at) ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(gs[i, j]) ax3.grid() if i == 0: ax3.set_title('%.1f < x < %.1f' % (lb, rb)) ax3.hist(data[idces].flatten(), bins=np.linspace(0, 1.5, 100), color=l[0].get_color()) #at = AnchoredText("%.2f %% < " % (sum(data[idces].flatten() < 1) / len(data[idces].flatten()) * 100), loc=2) #ax3.add_artist(at) ax.set_xlabel('mean abundance') ax.set_ylabel('noise color') ax.legend(title='$\sigma$') axb.set_xlabel('relative mean abundance') axb.set_ylabel('noise color') axb.set_xlim([0, maxx]) if save and len(ffig) > 0: fig.savefig(ffig[0]) fig2.savefig(ffig[1]) fig3.savefig(ffig[2]) def information_ts(f): plottimeseries(pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0, na_values='NAN')) y_ts = pd.read_csv(f, index_col=0).values s = len(y_ts[0]) mean = np.mean(y_ts, axis=0) mean_N = np.mean(mean) # x bar = J/S cov = np.zeros([S,S]) for i in range(S): for j in range(S): cov[i,j] = np.mean( (y_ts[:,i] - mean[i])*(y_ts[:,j] - mean[j])) cov_diag0 = np.copy(cov); np.fill_diagonal(cov_diag0, 0) cov_N = np.sum(cov_diag0)/S/(S-1)*np.ones([S,S]) np.fill_diagonal(cov_N, np.mean(np.diag(cov))) KL = 1/2 * (np.trace(, cov)) + (((mean_N - mean).T).dot(np.linalg.inv(cov_N))).dot(mean_N - mean) - np.linalg.matrix_rank(cov) + np.log(np.linalg.det(cov_N)/np.linalg.det(cov))) mat = plt.matshow(cov) plt.colorbar(mat) print("trace", np.trace(, cov))) print("rank", -np.linalg.matrix_rank(cov)) print("mean", (((mean_N - mean).T).dot(np.linalg.inv(cov_N))).dot(mean_N - mean)) print("determinant", np.log(np.linalg.det(cov_N)/np.linalg.det(cov))) print("det neutral, det cov", np.linalg.det(cov_N), np.linalg.det(cov)) print("Kullback Leibler", KL) # compare linear and spline fit if False: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 3), tight_layout=True) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) diff = results['slope_spline'] - results['slope_linear'] ax.hist(diff, bins=np.linspace(-2, 1, 50)) ax.set_xlabel('Difference spline slope and linear slope') results['slopediff'] = results['slope_spline'] - results['slope_linear'] print(results) plt.savefig('glv/noise/difference_spline_linear.png') # plt.savefig('glv/noise/lineartest_color_mig.png') # # plot timeseries and zoom if False: f = 'glv/noise/data_test_00a.csv' data = pd.read_csv(f) time = data['timestep'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, (1, 4)) ax.plot(range(len(data['species_1'])), data['species_1']) ax.plot(range(len(data['species_2'])), data['species_2']) ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1 * data['species_1'].max()]) ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 2) ax.plot(range(len(data['species_1'])), data['species_1']) ax.set_ylim([0.95 * data['species_1'].min(), 1.05 * data['species_1'].max()]) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 3) ax.plot(range(100), data['species_1'][:100]) ax.set_ylim([0.95 * data['species_1'].min(), 1.05 * data['species_1'].max()]) ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 5) ax.plot(range(len(data['species_2'])), data['species_2'], c='orange') ax.set_ylim([0.95 * data['species_2'].min(), 1.05 * data['species_2'].max()]) plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) # ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 3, 6) ax.plot(range(100), data['species_2'][:100], c='orange') ax.set_ylim([0.95 * data['species_2'].min(), 1.05 * data['species_2'].max()]) ax.yaxis.tick_right() plt.savefig('glv/noise/timeseries.png') def figure_overview_noise_params(figfiles, f, f_omega, f_g): data = pd.read_csv(f) spec_col = [x for x in data.columns if x.startswith('species_')] data = data[spec_col] omega = pd.read_csv(f_omega, index_col=0) g = pd.read_csv(f_g, index_col=0) # save = False save = True fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 2, width_ratios=[5, 3], height_ratios=[1] * 4) gscb = gridspec.GridSpec(16, 2, width_ratios=[5, 3], height_ratios=[1] * 4 * 4) cb = [gscb[1, 1], gscb[5, 1], gscb[9, 1], gscb[13, 1]] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ms = ax.matshow(omega.T[:5], cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-np.max(abs(omega.values)), vmax=np.max(abs(omega.values)), extent=[0, 100, 0, 5], aspect=3) ax.set_yticks(range(5)) ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, 6), fontsize=7) ax.set_xticks(range(4, len(omega), 5)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(5, len(omega) + 1, 5), fontsize=7) ax = fig.add_subplot(cb[0]) ax.set_title('Interaction matrix', y=1.5) plt.colorbar(ms, cax=ax, orientation='horizontal', aspect=50) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) ms = ax.matshow(g.T, cmap='coolwarm', extent=[0, 100, 0, 1], aspect=5) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks(range(4, len(omega), 5)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(5, len(omega) + 1, 5), fontsize=7) ax = fig.add_subplot(cb[1]) ax.set_title('Growthrates', y=1.2) plt.colorbar(ms, cax=ax, orientation='horizontal', aspect=2) data[data < 1e-30] = 0 ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0]) ms = ax.matshow(np.log10(data.mean().values).reshape((g.T).shape), cmap='coolwarm', extent=[0, 100, 0, 1], aspect=5) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks(range(4, len(omega), 5)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(5, len(omega) + 1, 5), fontsize=7) ax = fig.add_subplot(cb[2]) ax.set_title('Mean abundance (log)', y=1.2) plt.colorbar(ms, cax=ax, orientation='horizontal', aspect=2) slope = noise_color(f)['slope_linear'] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[3, 0]) ms = ax.matshow(slope, cmap=noise_cmap, vmax=noise_lim[1], vmin=noise_lim[0], extent=[0, 100, 0, 1], aspect=5) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks(range(4, len(omega), 5)) ax.set_xticklabels(np.arange(5, len(omega) + 1, 5), fontsize=7) ax = fig.add_subplot(cb[3]) ax.set_title('Noise color/slope', y=1.2) plt.colorbar(ms, cax=ax, orientation='horizontal', aspect=2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.08, right=0.92, top=0.95, wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) if save: plt.savefig(figfiles[0]) # figure with correlations plt.rcParams["axes.grid"] = True fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 3), tight_layout=True) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, wspace=0) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax.scatter(omega.iloc[:, 0], slope, cmap=noise_cmap, c=slope, vmin=noise_lim[0], vmax=noise_lim[1]) ax.set_xlabel('Influence of SIS') ax.set_ylabel('Noise slope') ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharey=ax) ax.scatter(g, slope, cmap=noise_cmap, c=slope, vmin=noise_lim[0], vmax=noise_lim[1]) ax.set_xlabel('Growthrates') plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[2], sharey=ax) ax.scatter(np.log10(data.mean().values), slope, cmap=noise_cmap, c=slope, vmin=noise_lim[0], vmax=noise_lim[1]) ax.set_xlabel('log$_{10}$(Mean abundance)') plt.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), visible=False) if save: plt.savefig(figfiles[1]) # # overview_loop_params if False: for i in [0, 2, 5, 7, 1]: for j in [0, 2, 5, 7, 1]: figfile = ['glv/noise/analysis_%d%df.png' % (i, j), 'glv/noise/analysis2_%d%df.png' % (i, j)] f = 'glv/noise/data_SIS_wide_%d%df.csv' % (i, j) f_omega = 'glv/noise/omega_%d%df.csv' % (i, j) f_g = 'glv/noise/g_%d%df.csv' % (i, j) if os.path.exists(f): figure_overview_noise_params(figfile, f, f_omega, f_g) else: print('path not found') if __name__ == "__main__": #generate_timeseries_noise_loop_parameters() #compare_noise_profiles('results2/data_SIS_') #compare_noise_implementations() #plot_timeseries('self_ricker_nonoise.txt') #reproduce_timeseries_Faust() N = 100 folder = 'reproduce_translate_Faust/' #fomega = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, [N, N]) #fomega *= np.random.choice([0, 1], [N, N], p=[0.8, 0.2]) #fomega = np.zeros([N, N]) #np.fill_diagonal(fomega, -1) #np.savetxt(folder + 'omega_Langevin_noint.txt', fomega) #K = np.random.uniform(0, 2, N) # K = np.ones(N) #fg = #np.savetxt(folder + 'g_Langevin_noint.txt', fg) # generate timeseries if False: N = 100 noise = [0.5, 0.7, 0.9] #0.01,0.1,0.2,0.25,0.3] for ii, i in enumerate([]):# [6,7,8]): folder = 'reproduce_translate_Faust/' fts = folder + 'Arato_noint_%d.csv' % i #fomega = np.random.uniform(0, 0.1, [N, N]) #fomega *= np.random.choice([0, 1], [N, N], p=[0.8, 0.2]) #fomega = np.zeros([N, N]) #np.fill_diagonal(fomega, -1) fomega = folder + 'omega_Langevin_noint.txt' #K = np.random.uniform(0,2,N) #K = np.ones(N) #fg = fg = folder + 'g_Langevin_noint.txt' fmu = None SIS = False generate_timeseries_noise([0, 0, 0], fts, fomega, fg, fmu, SIS, noise=noise[ii], noise_implementation=NOISE.ARATO_LINEAR) for i in [1]: #range(1, 16): #51): folder = '../enterotypes_ibm/timeseries-Faust/' f_ricker = folder + '%d_timeseries/%d_timeseries.txt' % (i, i) print(f_ricker) check_consistency_noise_color2(f_ricker) plt.savefig(folder + 'Faust_importance_transient_%d.png' % i) for i in []: #[20, 21]: #range(2, 17): #folder = '../enterotypes_ibm/timeseries-Faust/' #f_ricker = folder + '%d_timeseries/%d_timeseries_notransient.txt' % (i, i) folder = 'reproduce_translate_Faust/' f_ricker = folder + 'self_ricker%d.txt' % i ffig = folder + 'self_ricker%d.png' % i check_code_on_Faust_timeseries(f_ricker, ffig) # folder = 'reproduce_translate_Faust/' # fts = [folder + 'Arato_noint_%d.csv' % i for i in [1,6,7,8]] #[1,2,3,4,5]] # labels = [0.01, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9] #[0.01, 0.1,0.2,0.25, 0.3] # ffigs = [folder + 'noise_abundance_noint_Aratob.png', folder + 'fluctuation_distribution_noint_Aratob.png', folder + 'ts_distribution_noint_Aratob.png'] # compare_noise_abundance_dependencies(fts, ffigs, labels) # # # # plt.figure() # plt.title('Arato, no interaction') # plot_timeseries('reproduce_translate_Faust/Arato_noint_3.csv') # # plt.figure() # plt.title('Langevin, no interaction') # plot_timeseries('reproduce_translate_Faust/Langevin_noint_3.csv') #plt.savefig('reproduce_translate_Faust/compare_ricker_Langevin_noint_largernoise.png')