import pandas as pd from inspect import signature # Data cleanup required, mainly on country names # def clean_geo_names(df): country_clean = {"country": { "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland": "United Kingdom", "Iran (Islamic Republic of)": "Iran", "Korea, Republic of": "South Korea", "Taiwan, Province of China": "Taiwan" } } df.replace(to_replace=country_clean, inplace=True) df.loc[ ['Canada', 'United States of America']), 'region'] = 'North America' df.replace('Americas', 'Latin America', inplace=True) return df def clean_output_type_names(df): outputs_clean = {'type': { 'total': 'Total Outputs', 'journal_articles': 'Journal Articles', 'proceedings_articles': 'Proceedings', 'authored_books': 'Books', 'book_sections': 'Book Sections', 'edited_volumes': 'Edited Volumes', 'reports': 'Reports‡', 'datasets': 'Datasets‡' }} df.replace(to_replace=outputs_clean, inplace=True) return df # Creating nice column names for graphing def nice_column_names(df): cols = [ ('Open Access (%)', 'percent_OA'), ('Open Access (%)', 'percent_oa'), ('Open Access (%)', 'percent_total_oa'), ('Total Green OA (%)', 'percent_green'), ('Total Gold OA (%)', 'percent_gold'), ('Gold in DOAJ (%)', 'percent_gold_just_doaj'), ('Hybrid OA (%)', 'percent_hybrid'), ('Bronze (%)', 'percent_bronze'), ('Total Green OA (%)', 'percent_green'), ('Green Only (%)', 'percent_green_only'), ('Green in IR (%)', 'percent_green_in_home_repo'), ('Total Publications', 'total'), ('Change in Open Access (%)', 'total_oa_pc_change'), ('Change in Green OA (%)', 'green_pc_change'), ('Change in Gold OA (%)', 'gold_pc_change'), ('Change in Total Publications (%)', 'total_pc_change'), ('Year of Publication', 'published_year'), ('University Name', 'name'), ('Region', 'region'), ('Country', 'country'), ('Citation Count', 'total_citations'), ('Cited Articles', 'cited_articles'), ('Citations to OA Outputs', 'oa_citations'), ('Citations to Gold Outputs', 'gold_citations'), ('Citations to Green Outputs', 'green_citations'), ('Citations to Hybrid Outputs', 'hybrid_citations'), ('Total Outputs', 'total'), ('Journal Articles', 'journal_articles'), ('Proceedings', 'proceedings_articles'), ('Books', 'authored_books'), ('Book Sections', 'book_sections'), ('Edited Volumes', 'edited_volumes'), ('Reports‡', 'reports'), ('Datasets‡', 'datasets') ] for col in cols: if col[1] in df.columns.values: df[col[0]] = df[col[1]] return df def calculate_pc_change(df, columns, id_column='id', year_column='published_year', column_name_add='_pc_change') -> pd.DataFrame: """Function for creating percent_changes year on year """ df = df.sort_values(year_column, ascending=True) for column in columns: new_column_name = column + column_name_add df[new_column_name] = list(df.groupby( id_column)[column].pct_change()*100) return df def calculate_percentages(df: pd.DataFrame, numer_columns: list, denom_column: str, column_name_add: str = 'percent_') -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculate Percentages from Specific Columns """ for column in numer_columns: pc_column_name = column_name_add + column df[pc_column_name] = df[column] / df[denom_column] * 100 return df def calculate_confidence_interval(df, columns, total_column='total', column_name_add='_err') -> pd.DataFrame: """Function for calculating confidence intervals """ for column in columns: new_column_name = column + column_name_add df[new_column_name] = 100*1.96*( df[column] / 100 * ( 1 - df[column] / 100 ) / df[total_column] )**(.5) return df def _collect_kwargs_for(func, input_kwargs: dict): """Convenience function for collecting keywords for functions param: func: a callable, will raise a TypeError or ValueError if a a signature cannot be identified. param: input_kwargs: input set of keywords from which the correct ones for the callable should be extracted returns: kwargs: <dict> with keywords for the callable and pops the relevant keys and values from the input dictionary """ sig = signature(func) names = [parameter for parameter in sig.parameters] kwargs = {k: input_kwargs.pop(k) for k in input_kwargs.keys() & names} return kwargs def id2name(df, identifier): return df[ == identifier].name.unique()[0]