{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block main %}

	  <div class="main">
		<div class="floatleft">
		This form creates a config file for running binding predictions.

	  <form action="/makeconfig">
		  <div class="configform" style="float:left;">
			 <table class="configform">
				<td>{{ form.path.label }}</td>
				<td>{{ form.path }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.predictors.label }}</td>
				<td>{{ form.predictors }}
			    <td>{{ form.mhc1_length.label }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.mhc1_length }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.mhc2_length.label }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.mhc2_length }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.sequence_file.label }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.sequence_file }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.overwrite.label }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.overwrite }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.cpus.label }}</td>
			    <td>{{ form.cpus }}</td>

		  <div class="configform" style="float:right;">
			  <table class="configform">
				 <td>{{ form.iedbmhc1_path.label }}</td>
				 <td>{{ form.iedbmhc1_path }}</td>
				 <td>{{ form.iedbmhc2_path.label }}</td>
				 <td>{{ form.iedbmhc2_path }}</td>

		  <div class="configform">
				<table class="configform">
				<td>{{ form.mhc1_presets.label}}
				{{ form.mhc1_presets}}</td>
				<td>{{ form.mhc2_presets.label}}
				{{ form.mhc2_presets}}</td>
				<td>{{ form.mhc1_alleles.label }}
				{{ form.mhc1_alleles }}</td>
				<td>{{ form.mhc2_alleles.label }}
				{{ form.mhc2_alleles}}</td></tr>

			<input type="submit" class="button", value="Update">

		<div class="floatright">
				This page generates a configuration file from a form that can be used to then call the
				command line interface to generate epitope predictions. You can then view the results in this
				web application. Select one or more predictors and appropriate alleles which are then run
				for all the proteins in the chosen genome/sequence file. Selection of alleles should always
				be tailored to your own requirements.
			<div class="monospace" style="background: #F7DDD8;">
			<div class="monospace">
			<p>You can save the text above to a configuration file and then use it to run
			<b class="monospace">epitopepredict -r -c conffile</b> </p>


{% end %}