import path from 'path'; import {fix, git} from '@commitlint/test'; import execa from 'execa'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import fs from 'fs-extra'; const bin = require.resolve('../cli.js'); interface TestOptions { cwd: string; env?: Record<string, string>; } const cli = (args: string[], options: TestOptions) => { return (input = '') => { return execa(bin, args, { cwd: options.cwd, env: options.env, input: input, reject: false, }); }; }; const gitBootstrap = (fixture: string) => git.bootstrap(fixture, __dirname); const fixBootstrap = (fixture: string) => fix.bootstrap(fixture, __dirname); test('should throw when called without [input]', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})(); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should reprint input from stdin', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('foo: bar'); }); test('should produce success output with --verbose flag', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli(['--verbose'], {cwd})('type: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('0 problems, 0 warnings'); expect(actual.stderr).toEqual(''); }); test('should produce no output with --quiet flag', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli(['--quiet'], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toEqual(''); expect(actual.stderr).toEqual(''); }); test('should produce no output with -q flag', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli(['-q'], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toEqual(''); expect(actual.stderr).toEqual(''); }); test('should produce help for empty config', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/empty'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('Please add rules'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should produce help for problems', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain( 'Get help:' ); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should produce help for problems with correct helpurl', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli( ['-H'], {cwd} )('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain( 'Get help:' ); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should fail for input from stdin without rules', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/empty'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should succeed for input from stdin with rules', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('type: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should fail for input from stdin with rule from rc', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/simple'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('type must not be one of [foo]'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should work with --config option', async () => { const file = 'config/commitlint.config.js'; const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/specify-config-file'); const actual = await cli(['--config', file], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('type must not be one of [foo]'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should fail for input from stdin with rule from js', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/extends-root'); const actual = await cli(['--extends', './extended'], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('type must not be one of [foo]'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should output help URL defined in config file', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/help-url'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('Get help:'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should produce no error output with --quiet flag', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/simple'); const actual = await cli(['--quiet'], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toEqual(''); expect(actual.stderr).toEqual(''); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should produce no error output with -q flag', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/simple'); const actual = await cli(['-q'], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stdout).toEqual(''); expect(actual.stderr).toEqual(''); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should work with husky commitmsg hook and git commit', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/husky/integration'); await writePkg({husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e`}}}, {cwd}); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); const commit = await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"'], {cwd} ); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should work with husky commitmsg hook in sub packages', async () => { const upper = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/husky'); const cwd = path.join(upper, 'integration'); await writePkg({husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e`}}}, {cwd: upper}); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); const commit = await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"'], {cwd} ); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should work with husky via commitlint -e $GIT_PARAMS', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/husky/integration'); await writePkg( {husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e $GIT_PARAMS`}}}, {cwd} ); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); const commit = await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"'], {cwd} ); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should work with husky via commitlint -e %GIT_PARAMS%', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/husky/integration'); await writePkg( {husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e %GIT_PARAMS%`}}}, {cwd} ); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); const commit = await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"'], {cwd} ); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should work with husky via commitlint -e $HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/husky/integration'); await writePkg( {husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e $HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS`}}}, {cwd} ); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); const commit = await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"'], {cwd} ); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should work with husky via commitlint -e %HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS%', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/husky/integration'); await writePkg( {husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e %HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS%`}}}, {cwd} ); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); const commit = await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"'], {cwd} ); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }); test('should allow reading of environment variables for edit file, succeeding if valid', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/simple'); await fs.writeFile(path.join(cwd, 'commit-msg-file'), 'foo'); const actual = await cli(['--env', 'variable'], { cwd, env: {variable: 'commit-msg-file'}, })(); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should allow reading of environment variables for edit file, failing if invalid', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/simple'); await fs.writeFile( path.join(cwd, 'commit-msg-file'), 'foo: bar\n\nFoo bar bizz buzz.\n\nCloses #123.' ); const actual = await cli(['--env', 'variable'], { cwd, env: {variable: 'commit-msg-file'}, })(); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should pick up parser preset and fail accordingly', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/parser-preset'); const actual = await cli(['--parser-preset', './parser-preset'], {cwd})( 'type(scope): subject' ); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('may not be empty'); }); test('should pick up parser preset and succeed accordingly', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/parser-preset'); const actual = await cli(['--parser-preset', './parser-preset'], {cwd})( '----type(scope): subject' ); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should pick up config from outside git repo and fail accordingly', async () => { const outer = await fixBootstrap('fixtures/outer-scope'); const cwd = await git.init(path.join(outer, 'inner-scope')); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('inner: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should pick up config from outside git repo and succeed accordingly', async () => { const outer = await fixBootstrap('fixtures/outer-scope'); const cwd = await git.init(path.join(outer, 'inner-scope')); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('outer: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should pick up config from inside git repo with precedence and succeed accordingly', async () => { const outer = await fixBootstrap('fixtures/inner-scope'); const cwd = await git.init(path.join(outer, 'inner-scope')); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('inner: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should pick up config from inside git repo with precedence and fail accordingly', async () => { const outer = await fixBootstrap('fixtures/inner-scope'); const cwd = await git.init(path.join(outer, 'inner-scope')); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('outer: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should handle --amend with signoff', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/signoff'); await writePkg({husky: {hooks: {'commit-msg': `'${bin}' -e`}}}, {cwd}); // await execa('npm', ['install'], {cwd}); // npm install is failing on windows machines await execa('git', ['add', 'package.json'], {cwd}); await execa( 'git', ['commit', '-m', '"test: this should work"', '--signoff'], {cwd} ); const commit = await execa('git', ['commit', '--amend', '--no-edit'], {cwd}); expect(commit).toBeTruthy(); }, 10000); test('should handle linting with issue prefixes', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/issue-prefixes'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foobar REF-1'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }, 10000); test('should print full commit message when input from stdin fails', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/simple'); const input = 'foo: bar\n\nFoo bar bizz buzz.\n\nCloses #123.'; // output text in plain text so we can compare it const actual = await cli(['--color=false'], {cwd})(input); expect(actual.stdout).toContain(input); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should not print commit message fully or partially when input succeeds', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const message = 'type: bar\n\nFoo bar bizz buzz.\n\nCloses #123.'; // output text in plain text so we can compare it const actual = await cli(['--color=false'], {cwd})(message); expect(actual.stdout).not.toContain(message); expect(actual.stdout).not.toContain(message.split('\n')[0]); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should fail for invalid formatters from configuration', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/custom-formatter'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stderr).toContain( 'Using format custom-formatter, but cannot find the module' ); expect(actual.stdout).toEqual(''); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should skip linting if message matches ignores config', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/ignores'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('WIP'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should not skip linting if message does not match ignores config', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/ignores'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('foo'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should not skip linting if defaultIgnores is false', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default-ignores-false'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('fixup! foo: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should skip linting if defaultIgnores is true', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default-ignores-true'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('fixup! foo: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should skip linting if defaultIgnores is unset', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default-ignores-unset'); const actual = await cli([], {cwd})('fixup! foo: bar'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should fail for invalid formatters from flags', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/custom-formatter'); const actual = await cli(['--format', 'through-flag'], {cwd})('foo: bar'); expect(actual.stderr).toContain( 'Using format through-flag, but cannot find the module' ); expect(actual.stdout).toEqual(''); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(1); }); test('should work with absolute formatter path', async () => { const formatterPath = path.resolve( __dirname, '../fixtures/custom-formatter/formatters/custom.js' ); const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/custom-formatter'); const actual = await cli(['--format', formatterPath], {cwd})( 'test: this should work' ); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('custom-formatter-ok'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should work with relative formatter path', async () => { const cwd = path.resolve( await gitBootstrap('fixtures/custom-formatter'), './formatters' ); const actual = await cli(['--format', './custom.js'], {cwd})( 'test: this should work' ); expect(actual.stdout).toContain('custom-formatter-ok'); expect(actual.exitCode).toBe(0); }); test('should print help', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli(['--help'], {cwd})(); const version = require('../package.json').version; const stdout = actual.stdout.replace(`@${version}`, '@dev'); expect(stdout).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "@commitlint/cli@dev - Lint your commit messages [input] reads from stdin if --edit, --env, --from and --to are omitted Options: -c, --color toggle colored output [boolean] [default: true] -g, --config path to the config file [string] --print-config print resolved config [boolean] [default: false] -d, --cwd directory to execute in [string] [default: (Working Directory)] -e, --edit read last commit message from the specified file or fallbacks to ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG [string] -E, --env check message in the file at path given by environment variable value [string] -x, --extends array of shareable configurations to extend [array] -H, --help-url help url in error message [string] -f, --from lower end of the commit range to lint; applies if edit=false [string] -o, --format output format of the results [string] -p, --parser-preset configuration preset to use for conventional-commits-parser [string] -q, --quiet toggle console output [boolean] [default: false] -t, --to upper end of the commit range to lint; applies if edit=false [string] -V, --verbose enable verbose output for reports without problems [boolean] -v, --version display version information [boolean] -h, --help Show help [boolean]" `); }); test('should print version', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli(['--version'], {cwd})(); expect(actual.stdout).toMatch('@commitlint/cli@'); }); test('should print config', async () => { const cwd = await gitBootstrap('fixtures/default'); const actual = await cli(['--print-config', '--no-color'], {cwd})(); const stdout = actual.stdout .replace(/^{[^\n]/g, '{\n ') .replace(/[^\n]}$/g, '\n}') .replace(/(helpUrl:)\n[ ]+/, '$1 '); expect(stdout).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "{ extends: [], formatter: '@commitlint/format', parserPreset: undefined, ignores: undefined, defaultIgnores: undefined, plugins: {}, rules: { 'type-enum': [ 2, 'never', [ 'foo' ] ] }, helpUrl: '' }" `); }); async function writePkg(payload: unknown, options: TestOptions) { const pkgPath = path.join(options.cwd, 'package.json'); const pkg = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(pkgPath, 'utf-8')); const result = merge(pkg, payload); await fs.writeFile(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(result, null, ' ')); }