import load from '@commitlint/load'; import lint from '@commitlint/lint'; import read from '@commitlint/read'; import isFunction from 'lodash/isFunction'; import resolveFrom from 'resolve-from'; import resolveGlobal from 'resolve-global'; import yargs from 'yargs'; import util from 'util'; import {CliFlags, Seed} from './types'; import { LintOptions, LintOutcome, ParserOptions, ParserPreset, QualifiedConfig, Formatter, } from '@commitlint/types'; import {CliError} from './cli-error'; const pkg = require('../package'); const cli = yargs .options({ color: { alias: 'c', default: true, description: 'toggle colored output', type: 'boolean', }, config: { alias: 'g', description: 'path to the config file', type: 'string', }, 'print-config': { type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'print resolved config', }, cwd: { alias: 'd', default: process.cwd(), defaultDescription: '(Working Directory)', description: 'directory to execute in', type: 'string', }, edit: { alias: 'e', description: 'read last commit message from the specified file or fallbacks to ./.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG', type: 'string', }, env: { alias: 'E', description: 'check message in the file at path given by environment variable value', type: 'string', }, extends: { alias: 'x', description: 'array of shareable configurations to extend', type: 'array', }, 'help-url': { alias: 'H', type: 'string', description: 'help url in error message', }, from: { alias: 'f', description: 'lower end of the commit range to lint; applies if edit=false', type: 'string', }, format: { alias: 'o', description: 'output format of the results', type: 'string', }, 'parser-preset': { alias: 'p', description: 'configuration preset to use for conventional-commits-parser', type: 'string', }, quiet: { alias: 'q', default: false, description: 'toggle console output', type: 'boolean', }, to: { alias: 't', description: 'upper end of the commit range to lint; applies if edit=false', type: 'string', }, verbose: { alias: 'V', type: 'boolean', description: 'enable verbose output for reports without problems', }, }) .version( 'version', 'display version information', `${}@${pkg.version}` ) .alias('v', 'version') .help('help') .alias('h', 'help') .usage(`${}@${pkg.version} - ${pkg.description}\n`) .usage( `[input] reads from stdin if --edit, --env, --from and --to are omitted` ) .strict(); main({edit: false, ...cli.argv}).catch((err) => { setTimeout(() => { if (err.type === { process.exit(1); } throw err; }, 0); }); async function stdin() { let result = ''; if (process.stdin.isTTY) { return result; } process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); for await (const chunk of process.stdin) { result += chunk; } return result; } async function main(options: CliFlags) { const raw = options._; const flags = normalizeFlags(options); if (flags['print-config']) { const loaded = await load(getSeed(flags), { cwd: flags.cwd, file: flags.config, }); console.log(util.inspect(loaded, false, null, options.color)); return; } const fromStdin = checkFromStdin(raw, flags); const input = await (fromStdin ? stdin() : read({ to:, from: flags.from, edit: flags.edit, cwd: flags.cwd, })); const messages = (Array.isArray(input) ? input : [input]) .filter((message) => typeof message === 'string') .filter((message) => message.trim() !== '') .filter(Boolean); if (messages.length === 0 && !checkFromRepository(flags)) { const err = new CliError( '[input] is required: supply via stdin, or --env or --edit or --from and --to', ); yargs.showHelp('log'); console.log(err.message); throw err; } const loaded = await load(getSeed(flags), { cwd: flags.cwd, file: flags.config, }); const parserOpts = selectParserOpts(loaded.parserPreset); const opts: LintOptions & {parserOpts: ParserOptions} = { parserOpts: {}, plugins: {}, ignores: [], defaultIgnores: true, }; if (parserOpts) { opts.parserOpts = parserOpts; } if (loaded.plugins) { opts.plugins = loaded.plugins; } if (loaded.ignores) { opts.ignores = loaded.ignores; } if (loaded.defaultIgnores === false) { opts.defaultIgnores = false; } const format = loadFormatter(loaded, flags); // Strip comments if reading from `.git/COMMIT_EDIT_MSG` if (flags.edit) { opts.parserOpts.commentChar = '#'; } const results = await Promise.all( => lint(message, loaded.rules, opts)) ); if (Object.keys(loaded.rules).length === 0) { let input = ''; if (results.length !== 0) { input = results[0].input; } results.splice(0, results.length, { valid: false, errors: [ { level: 2, valid: false, name: 'empty-rules', message: [ 'Please add rules to your `commitlint.config.js`', ' - Getting started guide:', ' - Example config:', ].join('\n'), }, ], warnings: [], input, }); } const report = results.reduce<{ valid: boolean; errorCount: number; warningCount: number; results: LintOutcome[]; }>( (info, result) => { info.valid = result.valid ? info.valid : false; info.errorCount += result.errors.length; info.warningCount += result.warnings.length; info.results.push(result); return info; }, { valid: true, errorCount: 0, warningCount: 0, results: [], } ); const helpUrl = flags['help-url']?.trim() || loaded.helpUrl; const output = format(report, { color: flags.color, verbose: flags.verbose, helpUrl, }); if (!flags.quiet && output !== '') { console.log(output); } if (!report.valid) { throw new CliError(output,; } } function checkFromStdin(input: (string | number)[], flags: CliFlags): boolean { return input.length === 0 && !checkFromRepository(flags); } function checkFromRepository(flags: CliFlags): boolean { return checkFromHistory(flags) || checkFromEdit(flags); } function checkFromEdit(flags: CliFlags): boolean { return Boolean(flags.edit) || Boolean(flags.env); } function checkFromHistory(flags: CliFlags): boolean { return typeof flags.from === 'string' || typeof === 'string'; } function normalizeFlags(flags: CliFlags): CliFlags { const edit = getEditValue(flags); return { ...flags, edit, }; } function getEditValue(flags: CliFlags) { if (flags.env) { if (!(flags.env in process.env)) { throw new Error( `Received '${flags.env}' as value for -E | --env, but environment variable '${flags.env}' is not available globally` ); } return process.env[flags.env]; } const {edit} = flags; // If the edit flag is set but empty (i.e '-e') we default // to .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG if (edit === '') { return true; } if (typeof edit === 'boolean') { return edit; } // The recommended method to specify -e with husky was `commitlint -e $HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS` // This does not work properly with win32 systems, where env variable declarations // use a different syntax // See for details // This has been superceded by the `-E GIT_PARAMS` / `-E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS` const isGitParams = edit === '$GIT_PARAMS' || edit === '%GIT_PARAMS%'; const isHuskyParams = edit === '$HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS' || edit === '%HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS%'; if (isGitParams || isHuskyParams) { console.warn(`Using environment variable syntax (${edit}) in -e |\ --edit is deprecated. Use '{-E|--env} HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS instead'`); if (isGitParams && 'GIT_PARAMS' in process.env) { return process.env.GIT_PARAMS; } if ('HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS' in process.env) { return process.env.HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS; } throw new Error( `Received ${edit} as value for -e | --edit, but GIT_PARAMS or HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS are not available globally.` ); } return edit; } function getSeed(flags: CliFlags): Seed { const n = (flags.extends || []).filter( (i): i is string => typeof i === 'string' ); return n.length > 0 ? {extends: n, parserPreset: flags['parser-preset']} : {parserPreset: flags['parser-preset']}; } function selectParserOpts(parserPreset: ParserPreset) { if (typeof parserPreset !== 'object') { return undefined; } if (typeof parserPreset.parserOpts !== 'object') { return undefined; } return parserPreset.parserOpts; } function loadFormatter(config: QualifiedConfig, flags: CliFlags): Formatter { const moduleName = flags.format || config.formatter || '@commitlint/format'; const modulePath = resolveFrom.silent(__dirname, moduleName) || resolveFrom.silent(flags.cwd, moduleName) || resolveGlobal.silent(moduleName); if (modulePath) { const moduleInstance = require(modulePath); if (isFunction(moduleInstance.default)) { return moduleInstance.default; } return moduleInstance; } throw new Error(`Using format ${moduleName}, but cannot find the module.`); } // Catch unhandled rejections globally process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { console.log('Unhandled Rejection at: Promise ', promise, ' reason: ', reason); throw reason; });