> Lint your commits, patternplate-style # @commitlint/config-patternplate Shareable `commitlint` config enforcing the patternplate commit convention. Use with [@commitlint/cli](../cli) and [@commitlint/prompt-cli](../prompt-cli). ## Getting started ```sh npm install --save-dev @commitlint/config-patternplate @commitlint/cli echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-patternplate']};" > commitlint.config.js ``` ## Rules `@commitlint/config-patternplate` extends the [shareable angular config](../config-angular#rules). Additionally these rules apply: ### Problems The following rules are considered problems for `@commitlint/config-patternplate` and will yield a non-zero exit code when not met. #### scope-enum - **description**: `scope` is found in `value` - **rule**: `always` - **value**: determined based on pattern tree. `system` and all pattern ids present in `patterns` are allowed Consult [docs/rules](https://conventional-changelog.github.io/commitlint/#/reference-rules) for a list of available rules.