import util from 'util'; import isIgnored from '@commitlint/is-ignored'; import parse from '@commitlint/parse'; import defaultRules from '@commitlint/rules'; import {buildCommitMesage} from './commit-message'; import { LintOptions, LintOutcome, LintRuleOutcome, Rule, RuleConfigSeverity, BaseRule, RuleType, QualifiedRules, } from '@commitlint/types'; export default async function lint( message: string, rawRulesConfig?: QualifiedRules, rawOpts?: LintOptions ): Promise<LintOutcome> { const opts = rawOpts ? rawOpts : {defaultIgnores: undefined, ignores: undefined}; const rulesConfig = rawRulesConfig || {}; // Found a wildcard match, skip if ( isIgnored(message, {defaults: opts.defaultIgnores, ignores: opts.ignores}) ) { return { valid: true, errors: [], warnings: [], input: message, }; } // Parse the commit message const parsed = message === '' ? {header: null, body: null, footer: null} : await parse(message, undefined, opts.parserOpts); if ( parsed.header === null && parsed.body === null && parsed.footer === null ) { // Commit is empty, skip return { valid: true, errors: [], warnings: [], input: message, }; } const allRules: Map<string, BaseRule<never, RuleType>> = new Map( Object.entries(defaultRules) ); if (opts.plugins) { Object.values(opts.plugins).forEach((plugin) => { if (plugin.rules) { Object.keys(plugin.rules).forEach((ruleKey) => allRules.set(ruleKey, plugin.rules[ruleKey]) ); } }); } // Find invalid rules configs const missing = Object.keys(rulesConfig).filter( (name) => typeof allRules.get(name) !== 'function' ); if (missing.length > 0) { const names = [...allRules.keys()]; throw new RangeError( `Found invalid rule names: ${missing.join( ', ' )}. Supported rule names are: ${names.join(', ')}` ); } const invalid = Object.entries(rulesConfig) .map(([name, config]) => { if (!Array.isArray(config)) { return new Error( `config for rule ${name} must be array, received ${util.inspect( config )} of type ${typeof config}` ); } const [level] = config; if (level === RuleConfigSeverity.Disabled && config.length === 1) { return null; } const [, when] = config; if (typeof level !== 'number' || isNaN(level)) { return new Error( `level for rule ${name} must be number, received ${util.inspect( level )} of type ${typeof level}` ); } if (config.length !== 2 && config.length !== 3) { return new Error( `config for rule ${name} must be 2 or 3 items long, received ${util.inspect( config )} of length ${config.length}` ); } if (level < 0 || level > 2) { return new RangeError( `level for rule ${name} must be between 0 and 2, received ${util.inspect( level )}` ); } if (typeof when !== 'string') { return new Error( `condition for rule ${name} must be string, received ${util.inspect( when )} of type ${typeof when}` ); } if (when !== 'never' && when !== 'always') { return new Error( `condition for rule ${name} must be "always" or "never", received ${util.inspect( when )}` ); } return null; }) .filter((item): item is Error => item instanceof Error); if (invalid.length > 0) { throw new Error( => i.message).join('\n')); } // Validate against all rules const pendingResults = Object.entries(rulesConfig) // Level 0 rules are ignored .filter(([, config]) => !!config && config.length && config[0] > 0) .map(async (entry) => { const [name, config] = entry; const [level, when, value] = config!; // const rule = allRules.get(name); if (!rule) { throw new Error(`Could not find rule implementation for ${name}`); } const executableRule = rule as Rule<unknown>; const [valid, message] = await executableRule(parsed, when, value); return { level, valid, name, message, }; }); const results = (await Promise.all(pendingResults)).filter( (result): result is LintRuleOutcome => result !== null ); const errors = results.filter( (result) => result.level === 2 && !result.valid ); const warnings = results.filter( (result) => result.level === 1 && !result.valid ); const valid = errors.length === 0; return { valid, errors, warnings, input: buildCommitMesage(parsed), }; }